Convenient cleaning: Flip your bag inside out and wash and dry your clothes inside. Avoid having to handle sweaty gym clothes.
NO MORE MESS: Outdoor gear, muddy clothes and OCR gear can make a mess. Dried mud falling on the floor and mud covered bags are a hassle. STNKY´s got your back. Clean floors, clean bag, less worries.
STANDARD SIZE: VOLUME - 13 L , DIMENSIONS - 14 X 16 inches. Our standard sized washable sports bag is compatible and fits perfectly in most backpacks, carry on bags, and even briefcases. It's made to fit one change of gym clothes or a pair of shoes.
CLEAN AND REUSABLE: STNKY bags are great for preventing scrubs or uniforms from coming into contact with clean items or your loved ones. Perfect for nurses, doctors, EMTs, hospital staff, and any other essential worker that doesn't want to bring their used clothes inside.
LOCKS IN ODORS: No more worrying about your bag stinking up the car, your dirty laundry mixing with clean clothes or how to get the stink out of your gym bag. STNKY locks in the strongest of odors.
Laundry Bag for Health Workers, Sports, Fitness & Travel
Convenient cleaning: Flip your bag inside out and wash and dry your clothes inside. Avoid having to handle sweaty gym clothes.
NO MORE MESS: Outdoor gear, muddy clothes and OCR gear can make a mess. Dried mud falling on the floor and mud covered bags are a hassle. STNKY´s got your back. Clean floors, clean bag, less worries.
STANDARD SIZE: VOLUME - 13 L , DIMENSIONS - 14 X 16 inches. Our standard sized washable sports bag is compatible and fits perfectly in most backpacks, carry on bags, and even briefcases. It's made to fit one change of gym clothes or a pair of shoes.
CLEAN AND REUSABLE: STNKY bags are great for preventing scrubs or uniforms from coming into contact with clean items or your loved ones. Perfect for nurses, doctors, EMTs, hospital staff, and any other essential worker that doesn't want to bring their used clothes inside.
LOCKS IN ODORS: No more worrying about your bag stinking up the car, your dirty laundry mixing with clean clothes or how to get the stink out of your gym bag. STNKY locks in the strongest of odors.